[ pro­fes­sion­als at your side ]

Family Law Solicitors in Cologne

BS LEGAL Rechtsanwälte 

We sepecialise in family law – it‘s all what we do and what we are passionate about.

Legal advice and legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion are a mat­ter of trust. The pro­fes­sion­al spe­cial­i­sa­tion of your lawyers as well as their expe­ri­ence and per­se­ver­ance play just as impor­tant a role as the good feel­ing of know­ing that you have the right advi­sor at your side. We have been advis­ing and rep­re­sent­ing clients in the areas of fam­i­ly law, crim­i­nal law and tax advice for more than 10 years. As a well-coor­di­nat­ed team of spe­cial­ist lawyers and tax advi­sors, we fight for your inter­ests with pas­sion and vigour.

Contact form 

Con­tact us to arrange an ini­tial consultation 

    Our family law expertise

    If you’re going through fam­i­ly issues, it can be dif­fi­cult to know where to turn for advice. That’s why our team of spe­cial­ist fam­i­ly law solic­i­tors will take the time to ful­ly under­stand your per­son­al cir­cum­stances, help­ing you to find prac­ti­cal, work­able solu­tions. For more than ten years, we have been advis­ing clients on fam­i­ly law issues and suc­cess­ful­ly rep­re­sent­ing them in court.

    How can we help you?

    We will guide you through every step of get­ting a divorce or sep­a­rat­ing. Our divorce and sep­a­ra­tion solic­i­tors help to keep the process ami­ca­ble wher­ev­er pos­si­ble through meth­ods such as col­lab­o­ra­tive law.

    Cost information

    The lawyer’s fees are cal­cu­lat­ed accord­ing to an hourly rate or the Ger­man Lawyers’ Fees Act (Recht­san­waltsvergü­tungs­ge­setz). We will be hap­py to inform you of the costs involved before you place an order with us.

    For a one-hour ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion we charge € 190 net accord­ing to § 34 of the Ger­man Lawyers’ Fees Act (Recht­san­waltsvergü­tungs­ge­setz).

    Professional support by qualified solicitors and tax advisers

    As a spe­cialised law firm, we rep­re­sent the inter­ests of our clients in all legal mat­ters. Our spe­cial­ist lawyers for fam­i­ly law and crim­i­nal law as well as our tax con­sul­tants advise you at our offices in Cologne and Trautskirchen.

    Family Law Solicitors & Tax Advisers

    Veit Strittmatter 

    Solic­i­tor & Barrister

    Spe­cial­ist in fam­i­ly law 
    Spe­cial­ist in crim­i­nal law

    Family Law Solicitors & Tax Advisers

    Silvia Strittmatter 

    Tax con­sul­tant

    Diplom-Finanzwirtin (FH)

    Family Law Solicitors & Tax Advisers

    Max Laub 

    Fam­i­ly Law Solicitor
